excited to announce that the first, beta version of Campaigns is live!
With campaigns, our goal is to make it 100x easier for advertisers to work with multiple newsletters in parallel. Advertisers build their campaigns, invite newsletters in bulk, and mange the entire process seamlessly.
We manage creative approvals (optionally), reporting, and payments with each of the newsletters.
Interested? Reach out!
For now, we require an onboarding call to access campaigns while we work on making it available for self-service. If you'd like to get started with campaigns, schedule a time with us here!
Here's how it works 👇🏼
Build a campaign
At this stage, you'll select the newsletters you want to invite and add them to your campaign. Then you'll select the number of units you're interested in buying of each of their buyable products. When you're all set, you'll invite them to apply to your campaign!
At this stage, the newsletters will confirm their pricing and unit availability, and you will have the opportunity to approve or reject anyone based on their applications.
Once the approvals are in, we'll send you an I/O and an invoice to lock everything in. Then the newsletters will start populating the dates they plan to run your ad (within the start/end date parameters of the campaign)!
Active Campaign
Once the campaign starts, you will see live updates to the reported metrics (self-reported by newsletters for now), as well as links to see the ads in the wild!