We have just launched a new beta feature that enables brands who are building a Swapstack campaign, to offer publishers a price that they can afford, which may below the listed price of a given ad-unit.
Build your Offer
  • Fill in a price that helps meet your targets
  • Choose the number of units you want to buy
  • That's it! Fire off the offer to the publisher.
More inbound for publishers
By enabling brands to send offers based on their performance goals, we'll increase the amount of inbound any given publisher may receive. Our goal is to fill up as much inventory for publishers as possible - this is one step in that direction! Note: Negotiations on offers are coming soon.
What price should I offer?
It's totally up to you! We recommend choosing something fair ($40-80 cost per thousand opens is a range we've seen work well for both publishers and brands) that aligns to your performance goals.
What happens after I send offers?
Publishers will have the opportunity to accept or decline your offer. For now, they cannot counter-offer, but we are looking into that option for future campaigns.
How do I get access?
Email hello@swapstack.co or chat with us via the chat widget in the Swapstack app.