We shipped a number of significant upgrades to the Publisher experience on Swapstack, mostly related to onboarding and profile data.
Newsletter Demographics
We now allow publishers to post their newsletter audience demographics! This has been long requested by users on both sides of the product, and allows advertisers to better understand the fit of a potential newsletter.
You can find/update your newsletter's demographics in the
My Newsletter
tab in the Swapstack dashboard.
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Preview Brand View
My Newsletter
tab has been entirely upgraded to show a preview of what brands themselves see on their side of the product. Now, as you update and change items, you will see a live view of exactly what brands will see about your newsletter.
New Ad Listings Features
We have added a bunch of new features about how Ad Listings work:
  1. Packages
    : you can now indicate that an Ad Listing is a package of 2+ sends within a certain time period.
  2. Discounts
    : you can now offer a discount on 2 or more sends.
  3. Click Estimate
    : you can now showcase the number of clicks this type of ad is expected to drive.
This is particularly important for Campaigns, so go in now and make sure your Ad Listings include all of this awesome information!
Finally, we have redesigned how ad listings are created, and added helpful educational content to help you understand what makes a good ad listing, with examples and blog posts.